Grow Your Hair Stupidly Fast!

                       STALE RICE WATER

Disclaimer: The smell does NOT stay in your hair after you wash it with conditioner. 

What you will need:

  2 Handfuls of Rice
 A Bowl
 4 Cups of Water

How to prepare:

Heat the water until it begins bubbling, then empty the rice into the boiling water.
You don't have to boil until the rice is completely soft (unless you're planning to eat it after. LOL. Aint nobody got rice to waste).
Strain the rice over a bowl so you can keep the water.
Now, here comes the weird part. Leave over-night. (8 hours)
For the best results use with Jamaican Black Castor Oil.

The Amino Acids in Rice strengthen your roots, increases volume and GROWS YOUR HAIR extremely fast.

Here's a picture of the Yao Women who use Rice water as part of their REGULAR hair regime.


Here's how to use it: 

Use weekly for best possible results.

For thick hair, part into 4-6 sections then apply generously from roots to ends. Hands apply better than a spray bottle for thick hair.
Massage your scalp after each application then apply a hair cap.
Leave for 5-20 minutes then rinse.
Continue with your normal wash routine.

For thin hair, use a spray bottle to apply to roots and ends, then massage the scalp.
Use a hair cap then allow to sit for 10-30 minutes.
Continue with normal wash routine.

Use Jamaican Black Castor Oil for increased thickness and hair growth.

I've use this during my transitioning period which made me able to big chop within two months and still be totally satisfied with the length.
It really works.
But you have to be consistent!

How To Be Happy. Master Your Emotions 101

These are tricks that I've put together from my own experiences. Okay? Kaykay.

I have 5 full-proof ideas that has worked drastically for me...... 

but, yes, a but, 
"But why is there a but? Why does everything in life has to be so complicated?" Long dramatic sigh of pure, utter disdain with the world and everything in it. 

Fear not, my beautiful, wise friend, it is not a big round butt, its more like gah-i-need-to-do-some-squats kind of butt. 

Lean in a little closer to get yourself a better look at this butt..

 You HAVE to be consistent in order for these five steps to work. 
You HAVE to want to be happy.
Remember that and the world would be your playground.
 5 mind-blowingly simple tricks. 
Let's begin. 

#1. Don't Worry, Be Happy!

Yup. Simple right? 
Learn to shut people out. Especially those ones that you wish you could do some really illegal things to. 
Find something that shuts them out. 
ANYONE that criticizes you, makes you feel any less than you are. Anyone that makes you feel like you are physically or mentally unable to do a task. You shut them out honeybunches of oats. 
You could listen to music at 100% (although, i don't recommend as this can hurt your hearing boo boo) or deleting them from all social media. (JUST DO IT) 
Shut them out. Erase them from your world and if you can't, just remember, you and only you, on this planet, controls what goes on in your head. If you can't physically shut them out, then do it mentally. You don't need the toxicity doll, trust me. Don't worry about their venomous words or actions, don't dwell on it, just drink some coffee and watch a Disney movie. 

#2 Oh Baby You Should Go &
Love Yourself! 

Sit down, if you're already sitting then stand up, because I've got something completely mindbuggoling to say.

If you didn't know this before then prepare to be slapped in that face with some facts. 

You are your worst critic. 

Yes. Let it set in. Let it realllllly set in. 

Okay. Once that's settled in and you're all done with #1, it's time to battle your biggest threat to your happiness.

Stop believing what social media portrays as 'beauty'. 
Stop starving yourself to get that 'hot bod'. 
Go eat that pizza that you like, yanno, the one with the pineapples and pepperoni's. Or 
That cookies and cream ice cream that's absolutely god-sent. 
Have a spa night, get all dolled up to stay home, do whatever makes you love yourself all over again. Treat yourself good. You've only got this one chance. Love yourself while you can. 
Be confident as yourself. 
Do things that make you feel happy. 

(Sometimes I put on makeup at 1am just for fun. What? That's not weird at all. )

#3 Fake It Til' You Make It Baby! 
Every morning as soon as I open my eyes, I went to the mirror and said, out loud, 
"you are sooo pretty. I just love how your hair is looking today. '
(Compliment anything you can) 

Be sure to do this as soon as you wake up, with your bed head and everything. 
Say it everyday, I swear to you. I SWEAR TO YOU, you'd start feeling like it soon enough.

This will really change your life. Trust me. 

When you wake up, you walk straight to that mirror and you look at yourself just as SpongeBob is looking at whatever.

#4 Ain't Nobody Got Time!

Get busy honey! Keep yourself​ occupied. 
Don't I repeat, DON'T let your mind drift. Do not. It's not okay. 
You'd start thinking yourself into really unnecessary situations. 

Do homework, go for a walk, workout, apply for jobs, write a poem. Keep your mind occupied. Don't leave any room for thoughts. Thoughts make you sad. Thoughts are bad. Say no to thoughts! 
Okay I'm joking. Harhar, however, only leave room for positive thoughts, positive ideas.
Improve your creativity, improve your imagination. 
Start reading, it's such an amazing thing actually, it enhances your knowledge, vocabulary and imagination and sooo much more. 

'Once you stop learning, you start dying!' -Albert Einstein

#5 Let It Go, Can't Hold It Back Anymore! 

I left this one for last because it's the most important. Hiding your emotions is never the best thing. 
Host your own pity party sometimes, get some ice cream, get your favourite romance movie, some tissues and let it all out girl. 

Let out everything you need to , scream into a pillow if you must, (I did this so many times) it literally feels like a weight was lifted off your shoulders. I highly recommend this. It helps so much. 

Follow these steps, be consistent and I swear you'd see changes in your mood. 

Hakuna matata. 
It means​ no worries for the rest of your days. ❤

Top 5 Natural Hair Products 2017

(This isn't in order of which is better. Okay? Alright)

#1. Eco-Styler Gel.
I swear by these holy grails of the natural hair world. 

Absolutely loveeee these two. Olive oil to the left, Argan oil to the right. 

They're both wonderful for my hair. 
I've worked in a hair store before where persons complained about flakes. 
But listen to this little secret......

.... If you put it on dry asf hair, it's gonna flake. Inevitable. You MUST moisturise first ladies. Whether with your favourite curl pudding or with water if you're just as cheap as me. Your hair would thank you later. It doesn't have alcohol so it wouldn't not damage your hair. I've been using it for over 2 years and it has my hair popping ever since. Get you one of these, you won't look back. ❌

#2. Shea Moisture Organic Coconut & Hibiscus Curl Enhancing Smoothie.

This doesn't just make your hair smell like heaven on earth, it makes the curls stay beautiful, no matter how much mother nature tries to test you. Not today Mother Nature. Not today! 
It's kinda on the "why the hell is this so much money, is it made out of gold?" side of the pricing system. BUT IT IS WORTH IT. 
Think about going on your first date and he comes in for a hug and his head either rest on yours or on your shoulder, that scent is gonna hit him smack dab in the face and he's gonna remember it when he goes home. Try it then get back to me. 

#3 Jamaican Black Castor Oil.

If you want thick asf, lucious, juicy and most of all, Hercules type of strong hair, then this is your potion. 

You can use it daily or as a hot oil treatment. Either way, by the end of about a month, you'd see drastic changes honey.

 It is an extremely thick oil, so you could mix it with your moisturizer or another oil like olive oil (best results) then massage that scalp. It works miracles. 

If you have bald spots, concentrate it there. No need for those cover ups anymore my friend. 

#4. Cantu Coconut Curling Cream.                        
Honestly, I have actually never tried this but I've heard sooo much about it and I've seen the results on most people and I'm thinking about getting my hands pon this ish.

 If you do before me, comment below and tell me if its working for you too! (Its a dupe fothe shea moisture, so I suggest you try the cheap one first and if its working, no need to spend the unnecessary money, again, if you're cheap like I am.)

Don't forget to let me know, don't be holding out on me. 

#5. Pure Coconut Oil.                                              

Honestly, I use any Coconut Oil I can get over the counter for the cheapest price and it works for me. I don't care about all the mumbo jumbo about looking for the tiny particles, if it turns white in cold atmospheres and if it can tell me the radius of the sun. 
Mix this ish up with the castor oil and  got yourself a genie in a bottle that'll grant your three wishes: 
1. Thick Hair.                                                           
2. Long Hair.        
                                                     3.  Hair                                                                         

What more could a girl even want?    

Miley Cyrus

Could we just talk about how she went from this

To this?                                                                      

Then to this.                                                              

She has literally lived a million different lives within her one life.

 I call that bravery. She didn't give a shit about anyone's opinions. She lived her life the way she wanted to and now, her life has literally made a 360° turn and it's somehow the same as it was 3 years ago. Same boyfriend, even same hair colour.  

I think she planned this. She wanted to take the world by storm with her mouth-watering twerking skills then crawl back into her shell (her safe place) like nothing ever happened. I admire her, really, for being able to express herself so outwardly and not care or at least, that's how it seemed. 

She turned Hannah Montana into a real thing, she lived the 'best of both worlds' which most of us won't experience before we die. 

So good for you, former Disney sweetheart. You've taught us all an important lesson.