Could we just talk about how she went from this
To this?
Then to this.
She has literally lived a million different lives within her one life.
I call that bravery. She didn't give a shit about anyone's opinions. She lived her life the way she wanted to and now, her life has literally made a 360° turn and it's somehow the same as it was 3 years ago. Same boyfriend, even same hair colour.
I think she planned this. She wanted to take the world by storm with her mouth-watering twerking skills then crawl back into her shell (her safe place) like nothing ever happened. I admire her, really, for being able to express herself so outwardly and not care or at least, that's how it seemed.
She turned Hannah Montana into a real thing, she lived the 'best of both worlds' which most of us won't experience before we die.
So good for you, former Disney sweetheart. You've taught us all an important lesson.